
Bhale Bhale Magadivoy

Lucky is an absent-minded junior botanist who is easily distracted by other tasks while working on his current research. His father arranges his marriage with the daughter of Panduranga Rao, a senior botanist. Rao decides to break the alliance after learning about Lucky’s mental condition and warns him not to show up again. On his way to donate blood to his boss, Lucky falls in love with Nandana, a kuchipudi dance teacher, and gets diverted. He creates a positive impression by unknowingly donating blood to one of her students.

In their frequent meetings, Lucky keeps forgetting things (such as going out without his shoes, giving away his motorbike keys to a beggar, etc.), but manages to hide this shortcoming from Nandana by claiming he is a philanthropist. He is unaware of the fact that Nandana is Rao’s daughter, the young woman whom he was supposed to marry before. Rao’s friend’s son Ajay, a police inspector, also falls in love with Nandana, while she is waiting for Lucky’s proposal. When he tries to propose on her birthday, Lucky ends up taking Nandana’s pregnant sister-in-law, who is experiencing labour pains, to a nearby hospital. After the delivery, Nandana proposes to Lucky, and they become a couple.





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